Are You Or A Loved One Suffering From Sleep Apnea?

Have you been told by your loved ones that your snoring is keeping everyone awake? Or do you wake up in the morning feeling just as tired as when you went to sleep? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, you may be suffering from a common sleep condition known as sleep apnea. This condition can be detrimental to your overall health, but it often remains undiagnosed. Sleep apnea is a condition that causes patients to stop breathing for a short time because the tongue blocks the airway and causes obstruction. Each time you stop breathing, due to a lack of oxygen, your brain is alerted to the disruption, causing you to wake up. Some patients with sleep apnea can wake up over a hundred times per night!

4 Tooth Replacement Options For You

Do you need to replace a tooth and are not sure which replacement option is best for your needs and budget? We know that it can be overwhelming to make this choice. We are here to help every step of the way and will work with you to create a treatment plan that is perfect for your needs. Even if you are not in need of dental treatment at this time, anything can happen in the future, and we want our patients to be informed about their options. Read on to learn more about the tooth replacement options we have available to patients.

Importance Of Replacing Missing Teeth

At Palmieri Dentistry, we work hard to create beautiful, healthy, functioning smiles so our patients can enjoy their lives. If you have experienced tooth loss, it can be an emotional and confusing time. We are here to help patients work through their feelings and the process of replacing their teeth. Patients are often eager to replace a tooth when it is missing from the front of the mouth but are more hesitant when the tooth is in the back. We want to encourage anyone who may be missing a tooth to replace it as soon as possible, no matter the location. A missing tooth can lead to serious problems with your oral health in the future.

Check Out This NEW Video!

Would you love to improve the appearance of your smile? We offer a number of treatments that can make any change to your smile you want to see. Whether you are unhappy with the look of your front teeth or you would love to change their alignment, we can help. We know that patients are sometimes hesitant to learn more about improving their smile, but we recently sat down with patients like you who shared their experiences in our office. We hope it encourages you to learn how we can change and enhance your smile. Click here to watch the video and learn more about the treatments the patients received.

Welcome To Palmieri Dentistry! Learn What Makes Our Practice Special

At Palmieri Dentistry, we offer personalized dental care in a way that makes each patient feel like a member of our family. We want to provide patients with dental care in an environment that is relaxed and feels like home. We encourage you to learn more about our practice and hear thoughts from our team and our beloved patients. Click here to watch a short video and learn more about what makes our practice special and different from the rest.

Top 4 Cosmetic Treatments If You Want To Improve Your Smile

Would you love to improve your smile but have been hesitant to express your feelings during your routine appointments? One of the greatest aspects of dentistry today is that we can improve anything you don’t like about your teeth and smile. Whether you are unhappy with the color of your teeth or the shape and size of your teeth, we are here to help you. We offer a number of cosmetic dentistry treatments that can transform your smile. Continue reading to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and the treatments we offer.

Save Time With Same-Day Crowns

Do you find yourself postponing recommended dental treatments due to time constraints? We know that many of our patients have busy lives. It seems that between work, school, and family obligations, there is always something to do. At Palmieri Dentistry, we value your time. We do everything we can to make your time in our office efficient while providing excellent dental care. We use state-of-the-art technology to assist with this. One service that we are proud to offer our patients is same-day crowns.