Congratulations, Dr. Palmieri!

Every day, we strive to improve the lives of our patients, whether it is through preventative, restorative, or cosmetic treatment or helping them overcome their fear of the dentist. Good things are happening in our office, and we could not have done it without patients like you! We have recently received word that our very own Dr. Palmieri is being recognized as one of America’s Best Dentists for 2023! We are so excited that we couldn’t wait to share the fabulous news. Read on to learn more about this prestigious award.

What To Know About Dental Implants

When patients experience tooth loss, it can be overwhelming and challenging to decide on the correct tooth replacement option. At Palmieri Dentistry, we do all we can to help guide our patients in choosing the best tooth replacement option for their needs. One option that is popular with many of our patients is dental implants. Dental implants mimic the appearance of your natural teeth, plus they are durable and offer a number of other benefits to patients.

This Treatment Is Not Just Cosmetic…

Are you unhappy with the appearance and placement of your teeth and would love to make an improvement but aren’t interested in wearing traditional metal braces? You are in luck! We offer a popular orthodontic option that is designed to straighten your teeth without many of the hassles that are found with metal braces. Read on to learn more details about this treatment and how it can improve your smile and oral health.

Learn About the Dental Difference With Palmieri Dentistry

At Palmieri Dentistry, we are committed to helping you achieve your dental goals. Our office is a relaxed and comfortable setting where we provide patients with the finest cosmetic, implant, and general dentistry services. We pride ourselves on providing gentle care and effective treatments using state-of-the-art dental technology to keep you and your family in tip-top oral health. We are continuously improving the technology in the office and receiving education on different treatments to bring you the very latest in dental care. We schedule our appointments with you in mind and only see one patient at a time, so you have our undivided attention.